In terms of composition, natural wood flooring and vinyl flooring couldn’t be more different. One is completely made from natural materials, and the other is entirely synthetic. Beyond that, the two types of flooring align in many different ways. Here is a rundown of the key differences and similarities you’ll find between vinyl flooring and natural wood.
Both vinyl flooring and hardwood flooring are durable options. While hardwood can last generations with the proper care, vinyl does have a shorter lifespan with manufacturers providing warranties for approximately 25 years.
Depending on the type of vinyl flooring you get, it can be scratch-proof, waterproof, stain-resistant, and hypoallergenic, making it a durable and resilient option.
One of the biggest differences between the two types of flooring is cost. Even the highest quality vinyl flooring comes in at around half of the price of hardwood flooring. Cheaper alternatives can be as little as a quarter of the price of natural wood per square metre.
Generally speaking, the cheapest vinyl flooring options are usually lower quality. Mid-tier priced vinyl flooring is usually of reasonable quality and the highest prices allow for a wide range of designs.
Where vinyl flooring comes out on top of hardwood is regarding maintenance. Being entirely made of synthetic materials, you can wet mop vinyl floors for a thorough clean, unlike hardwood. They are easy to install and don’t need any special treatment throughout their lifespan.
Where vinyl flooring can fall short is regarding sustainability. While they can be recycled, they often end up in landfills. Compared to hardwood which will last longer and is a natural material, vinyl flooring is less sustainable with a higher environmental impact.
Vinyl flooring has come a long way as far as design goes. Where they once looked like plastic, they now can be made in a wide range of colours, prints, and textures. This means that you can find vinyl flooring that perfectly mimics your dream hardwood floor for a fraction of the cost.
Ready to see the difference for yourself? Contact us to set up a consultation or come in-store and browse our range of vinyl flooring.